Pizza rossa e pizzette tonno e ‘nduja

Pizza rossa e pizzette tonno e ‘nduja, poi date il via alla vostra fantasia

Pizza rossa e pizzette tonno e ‘nduja


Per l’impasto per pizza andare su impasto
tonno sott’olio
‘nduja Just working
polpa di pomodorini Pomì


1. Dopo aver fatto l’impasto, mettere le palle formate sulle teglie e stenderle con le mani.

2. Le grandi le ho farcite con la polpa di pomodoro.

3. Per le piccole ho usato le formine delle crostatine e farcite col tonno scolato dal suo olio ed un cucchiaino d’anduja.

4. Metterle a forno preriscaldato a 230° per 20 minuti.


Pizza red and tuna pizzas and ‘nduja, then take the road to your imagination

Pizza red and tuna pizzas and ‘nduja


For the dough for pizza to go the dough
tuna in oil
Just working ‘nduja
chopped tomatoes Pomì


1. After making the dough, put the balls formed on baking sheets and spread them with your hands.

2. Large I stuffed with the chopped tomatoes.

3. For small I used the molds tarts and stuffed with tuna drained from its oil and a teaspoon of anduja.

4. Put them in a preheated oven at 230 ° for 20 minutes.

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